Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Another Item For My "To Do" List

Dear Diary, Yesterday, I began my seventh week of student life. I feel a lot of pressure: academic pressure and peer pressure, although I guess you can't really consider individuals 30 years younger than yourself to be your peers, but I do. As I was walking across campus in the beautiful crisp autumn air, I started thinking of all the similarities as well as the differences between myself and my fellow classmates. I am sure they are feeling the same pressures to do well academically. As I was observing them scurrying to their next classes, I had an "oh my gosh" moment. I have the the SHORTEST HAIR of any female on campus! How can I be confused for a younger person if I don't have long hair! I immediately thought of solutions to the problem. Hair extensions? No, I priced those once and I couldn't afford them, especially on a student budget. How about a long blonde wig? That probably wouldn't work either, because I am a clutz and I would probably reach up to twirl my hair and accidentally pull it off and then everyone would think I was a fake. Duh, they already know I have short hair, so if I show up to class with long hair, people will already know I'm faking it...then that will ruin the few friendships I've made because they will assume that if I have fake hair, that my personality is also fake, which it certainly is not! I could just wear a hat everyday and maybe no one would notice that I have the shortest hair on campus, but then I would have hat hair when I went to work in the afternoon and if I wore a hat everyday, people might wonder if I am trying to cover something up (like a bald spot) and that would also affect my few friendships because then people would think I am not honest and when I tell someone I really like her shoes, she won't believe me because she won't think I am honest, especially if I am wearing a hat! Speaking of shoes, I think mine fit it pretty well. This is one area where I don't stand out. I even have a pair of Skeechers with glitter on them! I really have a lot of shoes in a variety of styles; however, I have one professor who I think has more shoes than I do. He has a variety of colors that match the different color shirts he wears. Besides thinking he is a great teacher, I also appreciate his sense of style. Anyway, back to my hair. My only alternative is to just let it grow and maybe by the time I am a senior, (meaning a class-rank, not a senior citizen), it will be long and I will look more like the other co-eds. I am putting "grow out my hair" on my to do list, along with "lose 20 pounds" and "get my degree".

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